api module

This module is part of the nmeta suite running on top of Ryu SDN controller to provide network identity and flow metadata. . It provides methods for RESTful API connectivity.

class api.Api(_nmeta, _config, _wsgi)

Bases: object

This class is instantiated by nmeta.py and provides methods for RESTful API connectivity.

IP_PATTERN = '\\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(\\.|$){4}\\b'
url_dpae_base = '/nmeta/v2/aux/'
url_dpae_uuid = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}'
url_dpae_uuid_keepalive = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/keepalive/'
url_dpae_uuid_main_policy = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/main_policy/'
url_dpae_uuid_sendconfpkt = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/send_conf_packet/'
url_dpae_uuid_tc_classify = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/services/tc/classify/'
url_dpae_uuid_tc_opt_rules = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/services/tc/opt_rules/'
url_dpae_uuid_tc_state = '/nmeta/v2/aux/{uri_uuid}/services/tc/state/'
url_idmac = '/nmeta/v2/id/mac/'
class api.JSON_Body(req_body)

Bases: object

Represents a JSON-encoded body of an HTTP request. Doesn’t do logging, but does set .error when things don’t go to plan with a friendly message.


Passed an allegedly JSON body and see if it decodes. Set error variable for exceptions


Passed a list of keys and check that they exist in the JSON. If they don’t return 0 and set error to description of first missing key that was found

exception api.NotFoundError(msg=None, **kwargs)

Bases: ryu.exception.RyuException

message = 'Error occurred talking to function <TBD>'
class api.RESTAPIController(req, link, data, **config)

Bases: ryu.app.wsgi.ControllerBase

This class is used to control REST API access to the nmeta data and control functions

rest_dpae_create(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_delete(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_keepalive(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_main_policy_read(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_read(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_read_uuid(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_send_sniff_conf_pkt(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_tc_classify_advice(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_tc_opt_rules_read(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_dpae_tc_state_update(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return
rest_idmac_read(*args, **kwargs)

Run a REST command and return appropriate response. Keys/Values returned to this wrapper in a dictionary. Valid Keys are:

‘msg’: the data to return in the message body ‘location’: a new location for the resource ‘status’: HTTP status code to return

REST API command template

api.version_compare(version1, version2)

Compare two semantic version numbers and return 1 if they are the same major version number